Getting Started
A guide to preparing for Tour Da Yoop, Eh.
We’ve created this simple three-step procedure so you can start your adventure with Tour Da Yoop, Eh as soon as possible. See you soon!
Note: We are discussing shuttling options for those who are flying in. Sign up for our newsletter and stay tuned for future updates!
Step 1 | Decide on your dates
Will you be riding with us for all ten sections, one of the loops, or otherwise? Visit our main event page to view event information, section dates, and more.
Step 2 | Register for the ride
Probably the easiest part of the entire process. But also the most important. Registering secures your spot, and more than that. You commit to doing something amazing! It’s commitments to incredible challenges in life that keeps us vibrant and healthy.
Step 3 | Book your rooms
On the off-chance you aren’t going to rough it in the woods overnight, we’ve provided a list of hotels in each location where we’ve blocked off rooms for the event. Make sure to get all your nights booked!
We’re here to help.
Send us a message and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.