Check out these support opportunities!
Rider Central > Volunteer
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
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One of the most important elements for any road cycling event is SAFETY FIRST! Without the help of SAG and Volunteers, this event we enjoy would not be able to occur. Tour Da Yoop, Eh has reached its 8th year anniversary through the energy and care of many people and we continue to grow as long as people are willing to volunteer.
Our role as SAG is to keep everyone safe, provide gear/ tools, and bike support. No ride should be without support, nor should a ride be without SAG support. Because safety is important, we will provide SAG support all 10 days from 8am – 6pm with SAG wagons full of gear, tools, first aid, food and hydration. SAG will be patrolling the routes to help riders throughout the day in addition to identifying any road hazards and alerting traffic when necessary. SAG and Volunteers will also be cheering and encouraging the riders to meet their goals and to maintain rider health and safety. SAG will also answer any questions about the route, host location, shuttle/taxi service that’s available in that host town.
SAG team will also pick up, carry, and drop off cyclists’ luggage at their lodging destination in each host town. All SAG team and Volunteers will receive event T-Shirts.
There will be 3 SAG wagons with 2 SAG support personnel in each SAG wagon for the duration of the 1,200 miles 10-day ride that starts and finishes in Manistique, Michigan. There will also be SAG vehicles with food and gear provided for your safety from first rider to the last rider. SAG Teams will also keep each other updated on the locations of the first rider, mid-riders, and last rider and coordinate management of any medical issues that arise throughout the ride.
Gary Perala
Christine Smith
Susan Studinger (James Mom)
Mindy Asp
Brimley Lions Club
Bay De Noc Lions Club
Hiawatha Sportsmans Club
James Studinger
Susan Studinger (James Mom)
Mindy Asp
Gladys DeGraves
Owen Replogle (James Son)
Eller Studinger (James Son)
Kleo and Pacino

Keep up to date on support opportunities by checking our blog.
Want to help out?
We’d love to have you. Send us a message.