Call for Sponsors
Promote your organization with us.
Hosting a 1,200-mile bike tour is expensive.
Without sponsors, we wouldn’t be able to provide support and gear, promote bike safety, or fundraise for U.P. Lions Serve’s Childhood Cancer program. That’s why we are looking towards you or your organization to help us put it on.
The 8th annual Tour Da Yoop, Eh benefit for Childhood Cancer will take place from July 25th to August 3rd, 2025. Proceeds from the event will go directly to Tour Da Yoop, Eh and U.P. Lions Serve: Childhood Cancer’s missions in improving bike safety and helping families battling childhood cancer in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.
Our sponsors provide us with the resources, insight and passion that we need for our team to put on an extraordinary event that is cherished by local businesses, cycling groups, and the outdoor community at large. By working with committed sponsors who are engaged with our event, Tour Da Yoop, Eh is able to provide a premium cycling adventure that highlights the full beauty of the Upper Peninsula.
Why partner with us? Teaming up with Tour Da Yoop, Eh is more than a partnership, it’s an experience to remember. We are celebrating our 8th annual 1,200-mile bike ride. We expose your brand to our large community of cycling enthusiasts and serious athletes through a unique and meaningful connection.
Contact Gary Perala - 906-399-6233, ggpenergy@yahoo.com, with questions or more information.
Why partner with us? Teaming up with Tour Da Yoop, Eh is more than a partnership: it’s an experience to remember. We are celebrating our 8th annual 1,200-mile bike tour. We expose your brand to our local community of cycling enthusiasts and serious athletes through a unique and meaningful connection.
If you are paying by check use the coupon code: CHECK at checkout so we know you’re sending a check and won’t charge your card. Please mail your check to Tour Da Yoop, Eh 131 River St. Manistique MI 49854.
Submit your logo below!
You must provide us with your logo through the link below to be included in the website/materials. Send the largest high quality logo you have availalbe. Thank you for your support!
The following sponsorship tiers are available. Additional information shall be provided upon request. Gold and Platinum reservations limited.
Your generous tax-deductible donation supports U.P. families battling childhood cancer and U.P. bike safety. You also receive:
Your title/organization title on Sponsor list (text only)
Pre-event Recognition:
Social media promotion
Website presence
On-site Recognition:
Logo on sponsor banner
Mentions during host events and at the Plaid Party
Other Benefits:
Special thank you in our sponsor press release
Pre-event Recognition:
Social media promotion
Website presence
On-site Recognition:
Sponsor booth space at host locations
Promotional items (supplied by sponsor)
Logo on sponsor banner
Mentions during host events and at the Plaid Party
Other Benefits:
Special thank you in our sponsor press release
Pre-event Recognition:
Enhanced social media promotion
Website presence
On-site Recognition:
Sponsor booth space at host locations
Promotional items (supplied by sponsor)
Logo on sponsor banner
Invitation to and special recognition at the annual Plaid Party
Other Benefits:
Special thank you in our sponsor press release
Pre-event Recognition:
Logos on collateral
Live interview mentions
Enhanced social media promotion
Website presence
On-site Recognition:
Cycling team invitation
Banner at host locations (supplied by sponsor)
Sponsor booth space at host locations
Promotional items (supplied by sponsor)
Logo on sponsor banner
Invitation to and special recognition at the annual Plaid Party
Other Benefits:
Special thank you in our sponsor press release
Donations can consist of products or other essential items for the event. Please let us know what you plan to include and the value amount in the description upon checkout, and we will place you into the corresponding tier.
Plaid Sponsors
JPStudinger Wealth Advisors
Wealth Is a Choice
District 10 Lions
Goodwill Ind of Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Copper Sponsors
Veeser/Wery Insurance Agency

Have a question?
We’d love to help you. Send us a message.