Grand Marais
Rider Central > Locations > Grand Marais
Tour Da Yoop, Eh 2025 Information
The night we spend in Grand Marais is on July 31st.
Grand Marais is a tourist town and most businesses close by the start of Winter and reopen in Spring. If you call the hotel to book your room, you may have to leave a message and someone will call you back.
There is no host hotel, but all of the listed accommodations offer a unique experience within Grand Marais. They are all located within a mile radius of each other and are within walking distance of the town.
The listed locations range in price and occupancy. Please review about each of them under LODGING on grandmaraismichigan.com.
The Ride Starts at Beach Park Motel at 7:15 and 7:45 am
HOTEL — Superior Hotel
N14245 Lake Ave, Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-494-2539
Contact hotel directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
HOTEL — The Inn at Lake and Randolph
N14246 Lake Ave, Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-494-2299 OR
Email: taylor@lakeandrandolph.com
Contact hotel directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
RENTAL — Cabin in the Woods
County Rd H-58, Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-494-2299 OR
Email: taylor@lakeandrandolph.com
Contact owner directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
B&B — The Agate Cross Bed & Breakfast
14218 N. Woodruff St. Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-494-2990 OR
Email: loisjamey@gmail.com
Contact B&B directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
RENTALS— Lake Superior Vacation Rentals
Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-450-4884 OR
Visit: lakesuperiorvacationrentals.net
Contact landlord directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
MOTEL — Dunes Motel
N14197 M-77, Grand Marais, MI 49839
Call: 906-494-2324 OR
Email: jhubbar2@jamadots.com
Contact motel directly and ask to book your room under the Tour Da Yoop block.
GRAND MARAIS — Woodland Park
Woodland Park
Call: (906) 494-4233

For more information about restaurants and shops, visit the Grand Marais Chamber of Commerce website.
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