Possibly the Safest Place in the USA to Ride a Bike - annual safety report

Each year I write an annual safety report. This year, 2022, I focus on crash report information, my methods for bike safety through separation, specific connectivity recommendations, and bike safety practices as a biker.

On a great note, the vehicle to bike accidents are declining throughout Michigan. If fact, since 2004, accidents in Michigan are down 43% (as of 2021). However, on a horrible note, more people are dying each year. That’s for the entire state of Michigan.

When just focusing on the Upper Peninsula both the accidents and deaths are trending lower. Biking remains unbelievably safe in the Upper Peninsula compared to anywhere else in the country that I can find accurate crash information on. This is speculation on my part as I can’t quantify the crash data accurately throughout the country (like I can in Michigan), but it would not surprise me if the U.P. is the safest place to ride a bike great distances in the entire country. There are thousands of miles of quiet paved roads that have very little vehicle traffic. Most of the cars travel the same busy highways to speed people from one town to another. While the rural roads that take a little longer to get there are virtually empty.

In the report I focus on bike and vehicle separation. I outline my methods of 1) separation by volume and 2) separation by space. Separation by volume means utilizing roads with extremely low volume of vehicle use. Separation by space means keeping/creating a space between the bikers and passing vehicles. Where separation by volume is not possible, it is increasingly important to provide separation by space. By looking at the entire Upper Peninsula as one community to bike, it is much easier to see where small separation improvements are needed.

I also outline my 3 B’s of bike safety behavior as a biker. 1) Be Seen 2) Be Aware and 3) Be Kind.

Please take the time to read through and share my 2022 TDY Safety Report - Possibly the Safest Place in the USA to Ride Bikes. The strategies outlined in this report are applicable throughout our country.

Thank you and I hope to get a chance to ride a bike with you in the U.P. sometime!

James Studinger

Read the full 2022 TDY Safety Report - Possibly the Safest Place in the USA to Ride Bikes


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