Hammer Nutrition
James Studinger and his son Owen Replogle
I first learned about Hammer Nutrition from a fellow TDY rider in 2019, second person in the world to wear Plaid, John Kreidler. John rode 6 days of the inaugural ride in 2018, going from the Copper Harbor loop all the way to Manistique. In 2019 he returned to ride the first 4 days. John was a professional bike racer, and is still an absolute machine. He taught me a ton while riding TDY, and probably the most important thing I learned from him was nutrition and recovery. At the end of his final ride, he gave me the rest of his container of Hammer Recoverite. I had never heard of it before. He was addiment, saying that I absolutely must have this immediately at the end of each ride. I’m not sure exactly what it is about Hammer’s magic formula in Recoverite, but I have recovered like a 33 year younger version of myself from then on.
Recoverite was my introduction to Hammer, but now I’m a full fledged groupie. I use HEED, Hammer Gel, Endurolytes Fizz, and Perpetuem 2.0 for my workout fuel, and finish the routine with a couple scoops of Recoverite. At night before bed I take a Hammer CBD softgel. It’s a nutrition formula that has changed the game for me in training and performance.
During my years of triathlon’s (including Ironman distance) and ultra-running events, nutrition has been my largest obstacle. My wife remembers the year of my first Ironman very well and occasionally reminds me of what a grump I was all summer. I was eating lots of junk and had no recovery method. My body and mind were not in a great place. I’ve had events where I fell far short of my potential all because of improper nutrition. What you eat during and post workouts is a tremendous portion of staying in shape and enjoying challenging adventures.
Hammer is an important nutrition sponsor/partner in TDY by design. It is the only company we called, because it’s the company I have found to be the best.
They graciously have a 20% discount code for the TDY community. Use coupon code at checkout - TDYoopHN20. HammerNutrition.com. Use this link to access Hammer before shopping for the coupon to work - https://hammernutrition.com/discount/TDYoopHN20. Coupon is valid from 6/1/23-8/1/23 and is for first time customer one time use.
Hammer knows fuel and recovery, and they work with athletes to perfect the mix. I have found tremendous insight in their Knowledge page of their website. Read their articles, like the 5 Secrets of success for endurance athletes including 1) Pre-exercise fueling, 2) Calories count, 3) Proper Hydration, 4) Electrolyte replenishment and 5) Recovery done right.
Hammer Nutrition has provided Tour Da Yoop Eh with wonderful support that makes this event possible. Their products are game changing and we have loved the boost it gives us as we ride.